Finnish Student Championships coming in badminton, orienteering and tennis!

University of Helsinki Badminton Club will organise Finnish Student Championships in Helsinki on 8-9 Oct 2011.

The tournament is open to all higher education students and you can participate in the open professional series and the amateur series. In the professional series, the Finnish Championships will be settled. In the amateur series, all badminton enthusiasts are welcome with the exception of professional players with rating V/A/B.

In both series, the players compete in five events: men’s singles, women’s singles, men’s doubles, women’s doubles and mixed doubles. You can also register for doubles by yourself and the organisers will try to find a pair for you.

The registration fee is โ‚ฌ15 per single players or a pair in doubles game.

All matches should be played on Saturday. If there are many participants, the finals in the professional series will continue on Sunday. In addition to the games, a sauna night will be arranged on Saturday.

Tournament details:

Tournament venue: Meilahti Sports Centre (
Levels: Open Finnish Championships series, amateur series
Game types: MS, WS, MD, WD and XD in both series
Restrictions: Players whose rating is the maximum of C can participate in the amateur series.
Game types: open category: cup game, amateur series: divisions
Registrations: by 24 Sept 2011
Publication of the tournament schedule: 3 Oct 2011 at
Fees: 16 โ‚ฌ / start (will be billed)
Rules: the tournament follows the official rules ofย  SSuL. Juho Heiskala is the chief umpire of the tournament
Further information: The matches are played with shuttlecocks approved by SSuL (not included in the registration fee). In amateur series, you can play with plastic shuttlecocks if both players agree.

Contact information of the organiser:
Contact person: Juha Haapola, 040-5956622

Finnish Student Championships in orienteering in Lappeenranta on 13-14 Oct 2011

Participation right

All university or polytechnic students who have paid the membership fee of the student union regardless of their age or skill level are entitled to participate in the Finnish Student Championships. The championships are not organised under the Orienteering Federation.

According to OLL, students who graduated in the previous year can also participate in the Finnish Student Championships and therefore the championships are also open to those who graduated in 2010.

Categories and fees

Thursday, 13 Oct 2011: Official personal middle distance championships. Series: H21A (men general), D21A (women general) and the amateur series.

Friday, 14 Oct 2011: Couples sprint. Two-person teams, both complete two sprint distances. NB! The couple does not have to study at the same university!

Entry fee for personal contests: professional series 10 โ‚ฌ/contestant, amateur series 4 โ‚ฌ/contestant with advance registration, 6 โ‚ฌ/contestant at the spot.

Entry fee for the couples sprint: 8 โ‚ฌ/couple.


Sign up by email at The email address is filtered against spam. Javascript must be enable in order to see the address. You can also sign up by phone atย  044-3337307. The actual registration will continue until 12midnight on Friday, 7 Oct 2011.

When you register, please mention the contestant’s name, series, student/student union or polytechnic/university and Emit number. When signing up for the couples sprint, please include the previously-mentioned information for both participants.


Double fees. Sign up by 3pm on Tue, 11 Oct 2011, by email Email address is filtered against spam, Javascript must be enabled to see the address. You can also register by phoneย ย  044-3337307.

Entry fees

When you sign up, please make the payment to the account of Parru Board: Nordea 205418-24696 (IBAN FI21 20541800024696). Those who have registered in advance pay the normal registration fee.

Please write your name and the university or the student union that you represent in the message field, and if you participate in the couples sprint, please include your partner’s name and school. Either one of the couple should pay the entire entry fee for the couples sprint.

Punching system

EMIT in all series. The card rental is โ‚ฌ4/2 days and the fee is paid to the information desk when collecting the card. We charge 70 euro for a lost card.


There are signs to the first day competition centre from VT6. There are signs starting approx. 10 km from Lappeenranta to the west.The second day’s competition can be found by following the signs to the university. The competition will be arranged in the vicinity of the university.

First start

Thu, 3pm, Fri, 12noon. There is less than one kilometre from the competition centre to the start.


1:10 000, 5/10, printout map


Head of Tournament Markus Siivola, Director of Route Master Group Tero Kemppi, Superviser Simo Mertanen (LappRi). Lappeen Riento, Parrun toimijat, ASS (amateur orienteers from Skinnarila) and other volunteers are in charge of practical arrangements.

Start time inquiries

Starting times will appear on the website ( after the actual registration ends.

Competition centre

Dressing and washing in off-road conditions. Parking in the immediate vicinity of the competition centre. Transport is organised from the university campus to the competition centre on Thursday, additional information will be available closer to the competition. Food is sold in the competition centre but the student-priced meals are provided in the restaurants on university campus.

Additional information

There has not been competitive orienteering in the terrain of the personal competition. The map was updated in the summer of 2011.

Competition info, starting times and results are available on Parru website.

On Thursday, the top three in each series will be rewarded with product prizes. The winners in the professional series also win the official Finnish Student Championships medals. In addition, the winners in the professional series can have the right to represent students in the European Championships if they will be organised in 2012. The best teams on Friday will receive excellent product prizes.

On Thursday night, the traditional tournament party is arranged for everyone. The location is yet unknown.

Welcome to the competition to enjoy orienteering (or just hang out).


Finnish Student Championships in Tennis arrive in Helsinki!

Teekkaritennis and KY-tennis invite you to battle in students tennis championships in Meilahti Sports Centre on 15-16 October 2011! The tournament has a relaxed student atmosphere where both fanatic tennis players and students who have just started to play can gather together. All higher education students (universities, polytechnics) can participate in the tournament.

The tournament series include: Men’s professional series 2p, Women’s professional series 2p, Men’s amateur series 2p, Women’s amateur series 2p, Professional series 4p, Amateur series 4p. Amateur series are intended for students who do not have the handicap of Tennis Association or who are in category D. The entry fee is 20e/series.

Winners receive product prizes and the Student Finnish Championships medals in the professional series. The top four players in the singles in the professional series have the right to participate in the Students European Championships in the summer of 2012. On Saturday, you also have a chance to catch up with old friends and find new tennis friends!

Registration by 9 Oct: sofi.weckman(a)

Further information is available at and and you can ask additional information from Head of Tournament Timo Jokinen, 0407226300ย  timo.jokinen(a)

Charts will be available on 11 Oct at

Aalto University Student Union’s facilities can accommodate approx. twenty people. Please mention the need for accommodation when signing up for the tournament.

Sponsors: Meilahti Sports Centre, UniSport, Top-Sport, Pรถyry Finland, Norpe, Etola Group.

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