Join AYY-KEHY for a trip to Africa!

AYY-Kehy is arranging a two-week, development and business focused study trip to Swaziland to our Sponsor Project. The trip will take place in late February 2012. (Initially 24.02 – 09.03.2012)

We are going to hand pick 15 enthusiastic Aalto University students, who show a keen interest in development cooperation issues. The main themes of the trip are to learn about practical development and the African business life. The trip offers students the opportunity to give one’s contribution by volunteering at our Project.
The last time Kehy visited Swaziland was in the autumn of 2009.

The forthcoming voyage program is divided into two parts:
The first week is going to be spent in Swaziland exploring the sponsor project: This means doing voluntary work (including renovation and construction) for the operations center and the local community. During the second week we will be exploring other nearby destinations, (Mozambique, Johannesburg, etc.,) where we will visit the local attractions, firms, and also spend time soaking up the African sun.

If you feel that the purpose of the trip is for you, go and fill an application form at APPLICATION IS OPEN 26/09/2011 – 10/16/2011!

Yours Sincerely,

The Expedition Leader, Sebastian Solomon
Voyage Coordinator, Joonas Kinni

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