Aalto University Student Union had its second elections in its history

Addition, 4 Nov: The final election results are available here.

Press release
2 Nov 2011
For immediate release

AYY’s representative council election ended today. The entire turnout was 31.0 %, which is 3,7 percentage points lower than in 2009. 28.5 % of the electorate used their vote in electronic voting and 2.5 % used their vote in the ballot voting. 4687 electors used their right to vote.

The coalitions of the electoral alliance Ratas, which won 14 seats, celebrated the election victory. They got 3 seats more that in the elections 2009. 2 candidates were elected to the Representative Council from the list of Aalto International Coalition which participated in the elections for the first time. Aalto International Coalition is part of Avainrengas electoral alliance which won a total of 12 seats in the Representative Council.

The vote-puller of the elections was Noora Lehtovaara from the electoral coalition Luova with 87 votes. Luova is a part of Jämerä electoral alliance which won a total of 12 seats in the representative council, which is the same as two years ago.

This year, there were 343 candidates in AYY’s elections. There were 19 electoral coalitions and four electoral alliances which included 17 electoral coalitions. Three candidates did not belong to any electoral coalition.

The Representative Council of 45 members will meet for the first time in November when it elects the chairperson for itself and appoints the person who will form the board for the next year.

Aalto University Student Union AYY is a service and benefit organisation for approximately 15,000 Aalto University students. AYY acts as the advocate of its members in academic and social affairs, in particular.  The Representative Council exercises the highest authority in the Student Union and decides, among other things, the Student Union’s budget and guiding principles of operation.

The preliminary election results are available at: /blog/2011/11/02/alustava-vaalitulos-sijaluvun-mukaan/

According to the preliminary election results, the distribution of seats in the Representative Council is as follows (change from 2009)

Avainrengas 12 (-1)
Aalto International Coalition 2 (NEW)
Force Majeure  1 (-)
iThink 5 (-)
Kauppiksen Porvarit 1 (-1)
Sinivihreät 3 (-2)

Jämerä 12 (-)
Luova 5 (-)
Prosessiteekkarit 3 (-1)
Voltti 4 (+1)

Ratas 14 (+3)
Fakta 3 (+1*)
Konergia 5 (+2)
Nuori Akti 1 (-)
Polytekarna 3 (-)
Sateenkaari 2 (-)

Symbioosi 6 (-1**)
Pro Arte 2 (-)
Punavihreät / The Green Left 4 (+1)

Oikea Aalto 1 (-1***)

*The result of the Fakta coalition has been compared to the results of Veijo W and Pallas Athene coalitions in the 2009 elections.
** The Symbioosi alliance also included the coalition Kulttuuriliitto in the 2009 elections.
*** The result of the Oikea Aalto coalition has been compared to the 2009 result of the Oikea Aalto allience which included the coalitions Kokoomusteekkarit and Oikea Aalto.

The Central Election Committee will confirm the election results at its meeting on Friday, 4 Nov.

Further information:

Election Coordinator Sonja Virta, sonja.virta@ayy.fi, 050 520 9421
Chair of the Central Election Committee Janne Peltola, janne.peltola@ayy.fi, 050 520 9438

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