AYY´s Teacher of the Year selected

AYY´s Teacher of the Year 2011 selected. Image Hermanni Sarjakoski
AYY´s Teacher of the Year 2011 was announced at AYY´s Anniversary Party. Image Hermanni Sarjakoski.

The cornerstones of a good university include good teaching, which is based on the continuous development of teaching both by the university and individual teachers. AYY wants to support the development of teaching and give recognition to teachers who have distinguished themselves in teaching and its development. Teacher of the Year prize was awarded on the basis of students’ proposals on AYY’s 2nd anniversary on 4 Feb. The selection criteria included, for example, the content of teaching, taking account of students and the student’s guidance both in and outside of teaching.

AYY awarded the Teacher of the Year 2011 prize to D. Sc. Mamdouh El Haj Assad, who works for the Aalto University Department of Energy Technology.

Teacher of the Year winner receives Teacher of the Year general bravery medal in AYY’s colours. In addition, the teacher’s picture will be added on the University’s Teacher of the Year photo wall.

Congratulations to the winner and a big thank you for excellent teaching! You have shown a good example to other teachers.