Association Newsletter 12/2012

This is AYY’s association newsletter 12/2012.  If you want to receive AYY’s association newsletter to your email, please subscribe at

  1. AYY’s operating grants for the year 2012
  2. Julkku’s Hyvä Veli scholarships are open for application!
  3. Vuorimieskilta Guild’s legendary beer relay race

1. AYY’s operating grants for the year 2012

At its meeting 17/2012, AYY’s Board has decided on the operating grants and increased operating grants for the year 2012. The grant decision in its entirety can be found at /yhdistyksille/apurahat-yhdistyksille/.

All the associations which applied for the grant will be informed about the decision. Further information and additional questions to the organisational sector (

 2. Julkku’s Hyvä Veli scholarships are open for application!

Do you know a good fellow? Have you seen one or heard about one?

May Day Magazine Julkku will again distribute valuable Hyvä Veli (‘good fellow’) scholarships for the hard-working members of our community and we need observations from you in order to find them. Please include the reasons why you nominate a person as a good fellow.

Distinctive features: Good Fellow is a hard-working person who does not brag about oneself and helps when help is needed. Good Fellow is a fair and brave maintainer of the community.

Please report your justified observations by 21 Apr 2012 to

Kindly asking for your nominations,

Julkku Magazine

 3. Vuorimieskilta Guild’s legendary beer relay race 

Vuorimieskilta Guild’s legendary beer relay race is here again!

It is again the time to gather a student team to run around the Department of Materials Science and Engineering on May Day Eve, as the traditional beer relay race of Vuorimieskilta Guild is approaching! The beer relay will start in the courtyard of the department on Monday morning, 9am, on 30 Apr 2011!

The teams will consist of three (3) runners and one (1)  anchorman = a total of four (4) people. The participation fee is 10 euro and payment information is submitted to contact persons by email.

The registration for the beer relay will begin at 12noon on Thursday, 19 Apr 2011 at You can sign up for the general series or women’s series. There is room for the first 35 teams! You can also sign up for the waiting list when you can join the competition if any team decides to cancel their participation.

Beer relay rules for the first-timers:

At the starting shot, the anchorman begins to drink. When the anchorman has finished one’s bottle, the first runner will start to run. Halfway through the journey there is a drinks station where a runner must drink one bottle of beer – under the supervision of an official inspector. After this, the runner will continue to the finish line where the anchorman starts over.

Rounds are repeated until the anchorman has destroyed the last drink (and challenged one’s liver). A team, however, can be disqualified due to an incorrect performance determined by the judge. In this case, the performance must be finished when the error is detected.

Let the thirstiest team win!


Please send a brief text by Wednesday, 10am, to the address The news will be translated so you can submit your text in Finnish. The contents of the newsletter are ultimately edited by AYY’s Specialist in Organisational Affairs and Communications Joonas Jylhä (, tel. 050 520 9442).