Do you have ideas about the future of library and student services at Aalto?

Call for applications for student representatives in the administration of Aalto University

The Aalto University Student Union has decided on 28 May 2012 to open a supplementary call for applications for student representatives in the administration of Aalto University to the joint administrative bodies and the working groups of Aalto University for the year of 2012. Students of Aalto University can apply for the position of the student representative in administration.

The following positions are available:

Working Group on the Future of Library Services

1 actual member (ARTS), 1 actual member (CHEM, ELEC, ENG, SCI)

The working group maps out the future of library services in Aalto University. The Group starts its work in May and will end its work by the end of December.

Working Group on Student Services at Otakaari 1

3 actual members

The working group plans the use of Otakaari 1 premises with regard to providing student services.

The application period will begin on 28 May 2012 at 12 a.m. and end on 6 Jun 2012 at 12 a.m. by which the applications must be delivered. The application is completed electronically. The electronic application forms and the instructions for applying are available at the recruitment website for the volunteers at Aalto University at /en/student-union/student-advocacy/student-representatives/.

The Student Union wishes that the applicants also include international degree students as well as representatives of both genders and various schools. The working language in the bodies of University is Finnish unless otherwise stated in the description of the body.

The Student Union organizes training for new representatives on a time to be agreed on later.

The Board of the Aalto University Student Union will appoint the student representatives to the administration at its meeting on 6 Jun 2012.


Application form:

Further information: /en/student-union/student-advocacy/student-representatives/

In Otaniemi, 28 May 2012

Janne Peltola

Specialist, Academic Affairs, +358 50 520 9438