AYY appointed the former of the board and the chair for the Representative Council for 2013

AYY’s Representative Council appointed the former of the board and the chair for the Representative Council for the year 2013 at its meeting on 8 November.

28-year-old Piia Näränen was elected as the former of the board. This year, Näränen has acted as the first vice chair of AYY’s Representative Council and the chair of the Guild of the Degree Programme of Information Networks. In addition, she has coordinated the learning cooperation project of the School of Science (POP: for better learning).

The former of the board makes a proposal for the next year’s board to the Student Union’s Representative Council which will elect the new board at its meeting on Thursday, 29 Nov.

25-year-old student of engineering Martin Aalto was elected as the chair of the Representative Council for the year 2013. Previously, Aalto has acted as the second vice chair of AYY’s Representative Council, study secretary and the minister in the board of the Guild of Mechanical Engineering, as well as in a number of student representative positions in Aalto University administration.

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