Association Newsletter 25/2012

This is AYY’s association newsletter 24/2012. If you want to receive AYY’s association newsletter to your e-mail, please subscribe at

Today, there is only 7 days left to AYY’s association training! Training takes place at Design Factory in Espoo from 5pm onwards on 4 Dec. More information is available below in this newsletter. Sign up for the training at the address We provide some refreshments according to the number of registered participants, but you can also attend the training without pre-registration. The training will be conducted unfortunately only in Finnish.

In this week’s association newsletter

  1. Association training at Design Factory on 4 Dec
  2. AYY’s Board automates the start-up grant for new associations
  3. Application for AYY’s sections and other volunteer duties is now open
  4. Menu fair for volunteer activities on 28 Nov


AYY’s association training will be organised at Design Factory in Espoo from 5pm onwards on 4 Dec. Training is intended for old and new operators in the member associations of AYY’s association register. You can also show up if you are interested in organisational activities or consider the establishment of a new association. Training is suitable both for beginners in association activities and more experienced actors. If you are very experienced, you should consider in advance in which training sections you would like to participate and attend accordingly. The first section, which is the same for everyone, mainly addresses issues related to AYY and Aalto community as well as the operating grants, whereas the latter group-specific programme covers the twists and practical arrangements of association activities. Training will end at 8pm at the latest.

Some refreshments will be served in the training but it is better brings snacks if you think that you will get hungry during the intense training period of three hours. Unfortunately, training is arranged only in Finnish. Facilities are accessible in a wheelchair.

A more detailed schedule and programme is available below. You can sign up at You can also show up without pre-registration but we reserve refreshments according to the number of registered participants. If you have any training-related questions or suggestions, please contact us at Welcome!

Schedule and programme for AYY’s association training on 4 Dec 2012 

Common programme for everyone, 5pm -6.30pm (The Stage)

  • 5pm – Internationality and trilingualism in associations
  • 5.15pm – Communications in Aalto community
  • 5.30pm – Operating grants and services for associations
  • 5.45pm – TTE-Fund grants
  • 6pm – Facilities available for associations
  • 6.15pm – Equality in associations

Break, 6.30pm–6.45pm

Specialised group-specific programme from 6.45pm onwards (ends at 8pm at the latest)

Group 1: Chairs, vice chairs and secretaries (The Stage)

  • 6.45pm – Duties and responsibilities of the Board
  • 7pm – Rules and responsibilities
  • 7.20pm – Meeting technique and documents
  • 7.40pm – Filing

Group 2: Communications officers and persons in charge of communications (Engine Room)

  • 6.45pm – Event marketing and communications in associations, practical advice for communications

Group 3: Treasurers (The Studio)

  • 6.45pm – Financial management in associations


AYY’s Board decided at its meeting 44/2012 on 16 Nov 2012 to henceforth allocate the start-up grant to all new associations which join AYY’s association list. The start-up grant includes the registration fee of the National Board of Patents and Registration of Finland and 100 euro for the establishment of association activities (total of €175 in 2012). However, this decision is valid with the condition that the Board can change the decision at any suitable time.


Spend a different and memorable year of 2012 and make the student union more like you. For the year 2013, there are duties in various sections and committees, or you can act as a grand vizier, for example. So come to work within cultural events, the reception of new students,  international affairs and communications. The application period for the sections is open between 16 Nov–1 Dec. The same application period also applies to those who apply for the chairperson’s position. A more detailed application schedule is available at At the same address, you can also apply for a variety of duties, which the Student Union offers to you.


Are you pondering on the future challenges of the working life? Get prepared – become a volunteer and accumulate your skills!

In volunteer activities you learn valuable skills comparable to work experience. You can learn, for example, interaction, organising, meeting and negotiating skills! Come to Menu volunteer fair and get to know the selection of volunteer activities in the metropolitan area.

The fifth MENU fair will be organised at the Old Student House in Helsinki at Mannerheimintie 3 on Wednesday, 28 Nov 2012, 1pm–6pm. There is a free admission to the fair! There are a number of exhibitors and activities range from the environment, animals, wellness, culture, development cooperation, youth exchange, sports, as well as issues related to children, the young and the elderly. President of the Republic Sauli Niinistö is the protector of the event. The programme in the music hall is hosted by Artist Cata Mansikka-aho and the café dates of four generations are hosted by Jama Jama and Tuulikki Petäjäniemi.

The fair programme and exhibitor information will be added to the address

Get to know MENU fair on facebook at:!/events/261676460615730/

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