Espoo Blues provides special offer for students

Local ice-hockey club Espoo Blues invates the students of Aalto University to watch ice-hockey game Blues-Ilves to Barona Arena on Friday 1st of February starting 6.30pm. The special offer for students is 9€ including a game ticket, a sausage mug and for first 400 students a free pint of beer or cider. After the match first 100 students have opportunity to take a free bus to Helsinki city centre. Programme of the evening is following:

  • 4.30pm gathering in front of Club entrance and distribution of the tickets
  • 4.45pm foods and drinks are offered at the Blue Zone restaurant
  • 5.15pm Espoon Blues video greetings
  • 5.30-6.30pm opportunity to meet other local higher education students. Espoo Blues representatives are present also.

Register by Wednesday 30th Jan at 4pm here. No late admission. For more information, please contact Heidi Heiskanen ( or by phone 050-520 9418.

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