Measures to improve indoor air in ARTS continue in the spring

Aalto University
School of Arts, Design and Architecture

Measures to improve indoor air to continue in the spring

Last autumn, a report focusing on the problems experienced at the facilities of the Department of Film, Television and Scenography and Media Centre Lume was commissioned from Vahanen Oy, a company specialising in structural inspections. Vahanen has examined the facilities, and its proposal for corrective measures will be completed on 8 March 2013. After this, the renovation work will begin in the premises of the Department of Film, Television and Scenography. The renovation work will include the renewal of acoustic materials at the theatres and editing facilities at Lume.

In Lume, a clean-up of ventilation ducts will also be carried out. The work will begin in three weeks’ time. Last year, measures to be carried out at the premises in Arabia were postponed due outside users of the premises. A clean-up of ventilation channels will also be carried out at the facilities for scenography in Hämeentie 135 C, 4th floor. The work will also include repairs of the ventilation system.

The dean’s unit has recruited an intern to draw-up statistics on old indoor air surveys as well as facilities that are known to cause symptoms. The person selected for the task will begin work at the start of February.

Student Services has received applications for enhanced support, which students may submit if they wish to seek alternative ways in which to complete their courses. Many students feel that indoor air quality can stand in the way of them advancing in their studies. The dean and Student Services will assist the students in finding alternative paths for conducting their studies.

‘I am concerned for the well-being of our community and matters related to the quality of indoor air. It is clear that the students must have the opportunity pursue their studies irrespective of the situation. One solution in the current situation is the accessible education path designed by Student Services. The condition of the facilities causing the symptoms must be brought to a level where work can be resumed in them. Also solutions including the use of alternative facilities are being prepared,’ states Dean Helena Hyvönen.

When suspecting symptoms related to Aalto facilities, students are advised to contact the Student Health Service or occupational health services for Aalto staff at Terveystalo.

The indoor air quality working group for the School of Arts, Design and Architecture is a forum that handles issues and problems related to indoor air quality. The group is a broad-based consultative body, through which all measurements, studies and recommendations for action that are related to indoor air are dealt with.

More information is available from the working group’s contact person:
Property Manager Risto Keski-Nisula, tel. +358 (0)50 550 3070,

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