AYY awarded the learning promotion deed of the year 2012

At its 3rd anniversary party on 2 Feb 2012, Aalto University Student Union (AYY) awarded the learning promotion deed of the year 2012. The award was granted to ”Paremman oppimisen puolesta! (POP)” project of Aalto University School of Science. The purpose of POP project is to create a community and culture around learning. Another aspect which makes POP an excellent project is that it involves both students and the staff. Along with POP, Learning Hub Greenhouse was established in Building T and the basics of optimisation course was developed, among other things. AYY also awarded a grant of EUR 300 for the further development and spreading of the project among the academic community of Aalto University. AYY wishes the dozens of POP members enthusiasm and success in the continuation of the project that began well.

AYY annually awards the learning promotion deed of the year. The award is intended to make visible and to support concrete deeds and projects that have been done at Aalto University for the promotion of learning. This year, the learning promotion deed was the first of its kind. The new prize replaces the teacher of the year award.

Next time, the learning promotion deed will be awarded at AYY’s fourth anniversary party in February 2014. AYY encourages Aalto members from students to professors and janitors to improve learning and learning conditions at Aalto University.

Further information: Board Member Perttu Karjalainen, education policy (firstname.surname@ayy.fi)

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