Finland to have a new and historically extensive student benefit service

Press release 28.2.2013
National Union of University Students in Finland
Free for publication

The national student organisations are uniting their forces to create a whole new payment card and benefit service for students. The new service will include some 350 000 students in Finnish universities, universities of applied sciences, upper secondary schools and vocational schools.

On this date, the National Union of University Students in Finland, the Union of Vocational Students of Finland SAKKI, the Union of Finnish Upper Secondary School Students SLL, HYY Ltd. and Oy Suomen Lyyra Ab have made an asset deal. The activity and personnel were acquired by SPV Services Finland Oy, a company founded by the student organisations. According to the contract all current business and personnel from the student service Lyyra will transfer to SPV Services Finland Oy.

Additionally, the Executive Committee of the Union of Students in Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences – SAMOK will submit a proposal to the Union’s Extraordinary General Assembly on 16 April, in which the Executive Committee proposes that SAMOK participate in the business arrangement. The Lyyra-name and the corresponding web service will be maintained for the time being.

SPV Services Finland Oy will offer nation-wide benefits for students and grant its business partners effective ways to reach the student members. The company will give particular focus on electronic services, including a service which enables electronic verification of a person’s student status. Beginning from next autumn, SPV Services Finland will begin co-operating with Finnish telecom company Elisa and start to offer a student card with a MasterCard-feature. The keeping of the student register, one of Lyyra’s core activities, will be transferred to a specific department which is to be established in connection with the student organisations, while SPV Services Finland concentrates on commercial activity.

”This is a historical day for the Finnish student movement – we are most likely to be the first to complete similar co-operation over educational boundaries in these proportions. The extent of the activity is also a good starting point for good business conditions. We believe that we are able to do profitable business and, at the same time, offer high quality services to our members,” says SYLPresident Marina Lampinen, SAKKI Chairman Aleksej Fedotov, SLLPresident Daniel Sazonov and SAMOK Chairperson MikkoValtonen.

”This is a good situation for the student organisations to acquire the activities of Lyyra. Last year, Lyyra turned a profit, and the extensive co-operation contract with Elisa secures a great start for our future business. HYY Ltd. will remain a minority shareholder with a 20 % ownership and help and consult the new business. We both aim to find a new partner in the near future,” says Oy Suomen Lyyra Ab Committee Chairman and HYY Ltd. CEO Mauri Laurila.

More information:

SPV Services Finland, Committee Chairman Matti Parpala, 041 515 2225

In questions relating to HYY Ltd. and the Lyyra asset deal, please contact: HYY Ltd. CEO Mauri Laurila, 040 502 1479

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