IT service break on 19-21 April 2013 due to Data Center changes

Aalto University IT is working to improve the university’s data center capacity. The project includes shutting down an old data center in Otaniemi and deploying new datacenter capacity rented from CSC. The main goal is to increase the capacity to meet the current needs and to improve service reliability.

IT will move equipment from the old data center to the new location between 19 and 21 April 2013. This causes a service break which begins by starting to shut down networked IT services on 19 April 2013 at 16:00. Equipment will be moved on 20 April and IT services will be restarted during 21 April. Most services are expected to function normally by Monday morning on 22 April. Some services may still have services breaks after this.

During the service break computer classrooms, Aalto desktop workstations and the university’s networked services cannot be used.

Further information on Into.

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