Dreams made real showcased at the Masters of Aalto event in Sörnäinen in May

Dreams and visions become reality as the newly graduates from Aalto University present their thesis projects at the Masters of Aalto 2013 year show.  The exhibition is held in Sörnäinen, Helsinki from 8 to 26 May.

Masters of Aalto offers the visitor a lively presentation of studies at Aalto University and introduces the societal role the university has. Masters of Aalto showcases the works of 80 graduates from the School of Arts, Design, and Architecture, the School of Business and the schools of technology.

The venue is a former granary, a 121-year-old brick building at the corner of Hämeentie and Lautatarhankatu, which for a long time functioned as a warehouse. The premises managed by the City of Helsinki will now be opened to the public for the first time.

The students and alumni of Aalto University are strongly involved in the planning and design of Masters of Aalto. They are responsible for the event’s visual identity, the web design, and the exhibition’s architecture, to mention a few.

The theme for this year’s show is Dreams Made Real.  The thematic concept of the exhibition is planned by Designer Arni Aromaa. Aromaa is the founder and creative director of Pentagon Design and is an Aalto University’s alumnus.

’Finns are very good in realism based on facts, but to create something new requires also dreaming and visioning. The exhibition provides a concrete view on dreams made real by students at Aalto University. This is the main message for example to young people planning their future studies,’ Aromaa describes.

In addition to the exhibition, Masters of Aalto invites its visitors to attend public events, seminars, and workshops in May. During the event, there are products on sale by the young designers and a café by students.

Masters of Aalto on 8–26 May 2013, Kruununmakasiini, Hämeentie 39, Helsinki. The exhibition is open Monday–Friday at 12–20 and during the weekends at 12–18. Free entrance.

Follow the progress of Masters of Aalto at moa.aalto.fi.

Environmental awareness plays a significant role in the production of Masters of Aalto. The event utilises the EcoCompass system of the Helsinki Environment Centre.

Additional information:
Producer Katri Winqvist
tel. +358 50 591 4314

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