Janne Koskenniemi elected as AYY’s Secretary General

Aalto University Student Union
16 Apr 2013
For immediate release

The Representative Council of Aalto University Studen Union has elected Janne Koskenniemi as AYY’s new Secretary General at its meeting on 16 Apr.

Previously, Koskenniemi has acted as AYY’s Administrative Manager. He has also gained experience from the boards of the National Union of University Students in Finland (SYL) and the Student Union of the University of Jyväskylä (JYY).

”A damn incredible feeling!” says Koskenniemi right after the election. Koskenniemi will begin his work with the orientation during the spring and summer, and his term of office will expire in August 2016.

Aalto University Student Union AYY is a service and advocacy organisation of approximately 15,000 Aalto University students. AYY represents the interests of its members particularly in academic and study social affairs. The Secretary General is the head of non-profit activities and acts as a link between different operators in the Student Union. The Secretary General participates in AYY’s financial administration and the meetings and activities of the Board, Representative Council and Financial Committee. The Secretary General’s key duties also include work with interest groups and the representation of the Student Union.

Further information:

Current Secretary General Teemu Halme, teemu.halme@ayy.fi, tel. 050 520 9415
New Secretary General Janne Koskenniemi, janne.koskenniemi@ayy.fi, tel. 050 520 9434

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