AYY and Tieto to initiate cooperation – Tieto sauna opens its doors in Otaranta

AYY and Tieto Ltd
25 Sept 2013
For immediate release

Aalto University Student Union (AYY) and the largest Nordic IT services company Tieto
have initiated cooperation. AYY’s rooftop sauna located in Otaranta will now be known as Tieto sauna. Branding the facilities as Tieto sauna is part of broader cooperation, the purpose of which is to bring the Finnish and international IT industries closer to AYY’s members. Tieto will provide information on employment and work in the IT field in Aino magazine, Tieto sauna and AYY’s blog, among other things.

”We aim to get the top Finnish operators from different sectors as our partners. In the IT sector, Tieto was an obvious choice. I look forward to the beginning of extensive cooperation,” says Tino Kantola, Chair of AYY’s Corporate Relations Section.

”Aalto University Student Union is a natural partner to Tieto. We are constantly looking for new, young talents and Aalto University students are an important target group for us. We believe that cooperation brings us good contacts and we can implement interesting projects. As a company, we want to become familiar to Aalto students. We develop society and businesses through IT and we offer plenty of interesting services for various industries. Therefore career prospects at Tieto are extensive,” says Tieto Ltd’s HR Specialist Viktoria Petrell.

Aalto University Student Union AYY is a service and advocacy organisation for approximately 15,000 Aalto University students. AYY represents the interests of its members particularly in academic and social affairs.

Tieto is the largest Nordic IT services company providing full life-cycle services for both private and public sectors. The company has global presence through its product development business and the delivery centers. With approximately 15,000 experts, the company operates in over 20 countries.

Subscribe to Tieto newsletter and read more about current events and recruitment campaigns http://tieto-oyj.mailpv.net/

Further information:

AYY Board Member, Corporate Relations, Tuisku Suomala, tuisku.suomala@ayy.fi
Chair of AYY’s Corporate Relations Section Aura Tino Kantola, tino.kantola@ayy.fi