323 candidates in AYY’s third Representative Council elections

Aalto University Student Union
27 Sept 2013

For immediate release

This year, there are 323 candidates in the elections of Aalto University Student Union. In the elections, there are four electoral alliances including 16 electoral coalitions. . AYY’s Representative Council elections will be organised for the third time between 23 Oct–6 Nov 2013. In the elections, the Representative Council of 45 members will be elected for the next two-year term. The Representative Council is the highest decision-making body in the Student Union.

The largest single alliance in the elections is Jämerä Ratas, which gathers together a total of 186 candidates. The largest single electoral coalition is Konergia, which has 41 persons in its candidate list. The electoral coalition Keskeiset makes a comeback in AYY’s Representative Council elections with five candidates and Aalto Party with 26 candidates participates as a completely new electoral coalition. This time, Aalto International Coalition, which promoted the interests of international students in the previous elections, does not participate in the elections at all.

In AYY’s second elections in November 2011, there were 343 candidates. The candidates formed 19 electoral coalitions and four electoral alliances, which included 17 electoral coalitions. Three candidates did not belong to any electoral alliance.

Aalto University Student Union AYY is a service and advocacy organisation for approximately 15,000 Aalto University students. AYY acts as the advocate of its members in academic and social affairs, in particular. The Representative Council is AYY’s highest decision-making body, which elects the Student Union Board and decides on the budget, among other things.

Further information:
Chair of the Central Election Committee Antti Karkola, antti.karkola@ayy.fi
Secretary of the Central Election Committee, Johanna Pietiläinen, johanna.pietilainen@ayy.fi, 050 5209 434

The combinations of the candidate lists in their entirety are available at: 


Candidate numbers in each alliance and coalition 2013

Electoral alliance: Avainrengas 68 (in 2011: 135)
Force Majeure 7 (in 2011: 7)
iThink 28 (in 2011: 43)
Sinivihreät 33 (in 2011: 44)

Electoral alliance: Jämerä Ratas 186 (in 2011 electoral alliance Jämerä 54 and electoral alliance Ratas 109)

Fakta 28 (in 2011: 22)
Konergia 41 (in 2011: 36)
Luova 18 (in 2011: 13)
Nuori Akti 16 (in 2011: 17)
Polytekarna 12 (in 2011: 14)
Prosessiteekkarit 27 (in 2011: 18)
Sateenkaari 17 (in 2011: 20)
Voltti 27 (in 2011: 23)

Electoral alliance: A + A 37

Aalto Party 26 (did not participate in 2011)
ProArte 11 (in 2011: 7)

Electoral alliance: Oikeat 32

Keskeiset 5 (did not participate in 2011)
Oikea Aalto 22 (in 2011: 12)
Piraatit 5 (in 2011: 4)


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