Milla Ovaska appointed as AYY’s specialist for international affairs

28 Oct 2013
For immediate release

Master of Social Sciences Milla Ovaska is a new specialist for international affairs at Aalto University Student Union. The specialist for international affairs is responsible for representing interests of international students and their integration into the academic community, as well as promoting internationalisation on campus. In addition, the specialist is responsible for the coordination of volunteer activities in the international sector. Ms Ovaska began in her duty on 21 Oct 2013.

Ms Ovaska graduated from the University of Tampere in the summer of 2013, majoring in international politics. Her minor subjects included development cooperation studies, international law, intercultural communications and languages. Ms Ovaska has gained work experience in the financial sector of the Embassy of Finland in Beijing, as AIESEC’s project worker in Peru and in a number of elected offices in the Finnish organisational field. In the student movement, Ms Ovaska has acted as a student representative in administration in the Student Union of the University of Tampere and as a tutor for international students throughout her studies.

”It is great to have new blood in the international sector! I look forward to our cooperation with issues related to students’ integration and the internationalisation of the Finnish students” comments Mariko Landström, AYY Board Member in charge of international affairs. ”Aalto University is one of the most international schools in Finland in terms of its strategy and students, and therefore AYY has an important role in creating an open, international university community and supporting the integration of international students. I am excited to start in my new position!” Ms Ovaska says.

Aalto Univeristy Student Union AYY is an advocacy and service organisation for approximately 15,000 Aalto University students. More than 13 per cent of Aalto students have an international background. AYY represents the interests of its members particularly in educational and social issues.

Further information:

Secretary General Janne Koskenniemi, janne.koskenniemi(at), 050 520 9415
Specialist for International Affairs Milla Ovaska, international(at), 050 520 9446.