AYY appointed the Board for the year of 2014 – Lauri Lehtoruusu appointed as the chairperson

Aalto University Student Union
Release, 4 Dec 2013
For immediate release

The Representative Council of Aalto University Student Union (AYY) appointed the Student Union Board for the year of 2014 at its meeting on Wednesday, 4 Dec 2013. Student of Architecture Lauri Lehtoruusu (25) was appointed as the chairperson of the Board. Previously, Lehtoruusu has acted as the chairperson and vice chairperson of the Guild of Architecture. In addition, he has acted as a member of AYY’s Representative Council and the chief editor of May Day magazine Äpy.

Other nine (9) members of AYY Board are: 20131204_hallituksen valinta-6

  • Niko Ferm, Aalto ELEC
  • Pyry Haahtela, Aalto ENG
  • Jenni Haavisto, Aalto BIZ,
  • Annamaija Hutri, Aalto ELEC
  • Tino Kantola, Aalto SCI,
  • Pietari Keskinen, Aalto SCI
  • Sofi Perikangas, Aalto ARTS
  • Pauliina Mäkkeli, Aalto SCI
  • Sanna Unkuri, Aalto BIZ

In accordance with the operating plan, the focus of AYY’s activities in 2014 will be new students, international affairs and the campus, in particular. ”We have gathered an excellent and wide-ranging team to meet the challenges of the next year!” Lehtoruusu rejoices.

The Board’s term of office begins in January and lasts for a calendar year. The new Board is organised at its first meeting. Aalto University Student Union AYY is a service and advocacy organisation for approximately 15,000 Aalto University students. AYY acts as the advocate of its members in academic and social affairs, in particular.


Further information:
Chairperson of AYY Board 2014 Lauri Lehtoruusu, lauri.lehtoruusu@ayy.fi, 050 5737125
AYY’s Secretary General Janne Koskenniemi, janne.koskenniemi@ayy.fi 050 520 9415

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