Education goes Accessible 2014 symposium, January 9th 2014

Welcome to Education goes Accessible 2014 symposium on January 9th, 2014 (9.1.2014) at Otakaari 1.  The opening words will be presented by dean Risto Nieminen and the keynote will be addressed by Erja Heikkinen/OKM.


8.45 Registration

9.10 Welcome! Martti Raevaara

9.15 Keynote 1, Risto Nieminen / Aalto SCI

9.30 Keynote 2, Erja Heikkinen / Ministry of Education

10.15 Workshops

Lunch (decided by workshops: list of restaurants)

Workshops continue until 14.00

14.00 Coffee

14.15 Keynote 3, Panu Artemjeff / Ministry of the Interior

14.30 Keynote 4, Johanna Naukkarinen / LUT

  • Johanna Naukkarinen / LUT

15.00 Workshop reports by moderators, max 5 min each

15.30 Panel: What is accessiblity in Aalto education?

16.30 Closing remarks

We develop inclusive, multi-cultural and accessible education in the workshops. Thus select and join a workshop that is related to your work and learning environment of Aalto University. Here the collaboration with AYY, all service units and campus facility will be acknowledged. Parallel workshops have themes like changing our present library into a modern future learning center, MOOCs and SPOCs, accessible communication, effective webcasting etc.

Enrol now at

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