AYY awarded its first acknowledgments

Publish date: Sat, 1 Feb 2014

Aalto University Student Union has awarded its first acknowledgments at its fourth anniversary at the Event Centre Telakka on Saturday.

The badges of merit and honour are awarded for active operations in favour of AYY and its objectives. There are three different badges of merit and honour; the community badge, the badge of merit and the badge of honour. In addition, AYY has a special acknowledgment, the hero badge.

Community badge is awarded to a person who has actively operated in the student union and has promoted the objectives of the student union through one’s actions.

Badge of merit is awarded to a person who has acted in the student union extensively for a long period of time.

Badge of honour is awarded to a person who has acted in favour of the student union and promoted the objectives of the student union very actively and extensively for a long period of time.

Hero badge is awarded to an individual act or project, or a series of acts or projects, which have influenced the student union and the lives of its members.

The badges of merit and honour are designed by Harry Tensing and manufactured by Roman Tavast Ltd. The badges are silver and incorporated with gold and enamel. AYY’s insignia is the key element on the badges. The badges are worn on AYY’s ribbon.

The hero badge includes AYY’s insignia with inscriptions attached to a silver background. Over time, the hero badges will form a work of art on the wall of AYY’s Central Office. The hero badge is designed by Noora Laak.

For this first time, eleven community badges, fourteen badges of merit, one badge of honour and two hero badges were awarded. Proposals for the awarded badges were made in the years of 2012 and 2013. The hero badges were granted to Otaniemi Recycling Centre and Ossi Miikkulainen. AYY’s first badge of honour was granted to Tuula Ilmes.

AYY warmly congratulates all the award recipients!

Community badge (11):

  • Sergei Chekurov
  • Jussi Valtonen
  • Matti Nurmi
  • Hamilkar Bergroth
  • Ilmari Arnkil
  • Salla Seppälä
  • Johan Kondratjeff
  • Petri Heikkinen
  • Saara Hyrkkö
  • Markus Ylänen
  • Janne Peltola

Badge of merit (14):

  • Mika Tarhala
  • Antti Karkola
  • Iiro Lehtiniemi
  • Niina Torikka
  • Voitto Kangas
  • Jari Isaksson
  • Otto Palonen
  • Mikko Ikola
  • Henri Lönn
  • Kim Blomqvist
  • Iida Myllymäki
  • Pipsa Penttinen
  • Ilmari Pärnänen
  • Anu Juvonen

Badge of honour (1):

  • Tuula Ilmes

Hero badge (2):

  • Recycling Centre
  • Ossi Miikkulainen

Further information:

Archivist Tiina Metso, tiina.metso@ayy.fi, 050 520 9441

AYY’s acknowledgment regulation: https://inside.ayy.fi/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=12615847