AYY awarded the International Deed and Learning Promotion Deed of the year 2013

Publish date: Sat, 1 Feb 2014

Aalto University Student Union (AYY) has awarded the International Deed and Learning Promotion Deed of the year 2013 at its fourth anniversary on 1 Feb 2014. The Physicist Spex was awarded as the International Deed 2013. In addition, the honorable mentions of the international deed were awarded to Sergei Chekurov and Gaurav Das. Uudet koekäytännöt (”new examination practices”) project was awarded as the Learning Promotion Deed of the year 2013.

The Physicist Spex performed its spex Limbo – No loitering in English in December 2013. This gave the opportunity for over hundred international students to experience the performance, which is an integral part of the student culture, in the language that they understand. The deed of the Physicist Spex is an excellent example of how the integration of international students to Aalto community can be promoted.

Sergei Chekurov received an honorable mention for his activities to improve the position of international students in the Guild of Mechanical Engineering (KIK) and Students of Engineering (ITY). Thanks to Chekurov, many international students feel that they are part of the Aalto community. With this recognition, AYY wishes to encourage the student associations to include international students in their activities.

Gaurav Das was awarded an honorable mention for his participation in various activities (such as BEST and Student Family Friend). Das is an excellent example of an international student who is open-minded and interested in exploring the local culture. With this recognition, AYY wishes to encourage international students to take part in the Aalto community.

With the International Deed award, AYY wishes to draw attention to the importance of high-quality internationalisation for Aalto students. International students must have the opportunity to participate in the activities of the academic community at all levels. Uudet koekäytännöt project was awarded as the Learning Promotion Deed 2013. The project does concrete work to transform study performance in a more flexible direction. The effective accumulation of credits is becoming increasingly important both for universities and the students themselves and this project effectively removes practical obstacles to gain credits. In addition, the participants in the project have been very active and devoted in the piloting of the project and have persistently continued to develop the concept even after achieving the end point of the initial project.

The purpose of the Learning Promotion Deed is to support and make visible the actions and projects, which have promoted learning at Aalto University.


Further information:

International Deed:

Milla Ovaska, Specialist, International Affairs milla.ovaska@ayy.fi, 050 520 9446
Sanna Unkuri, Board Member, International Affairs sanna.unkuri@ayy.fi, 040 579 6125

Leaning Promotion Deed:

Pietari Keskinen, Board Member, Academic Affairs, pietari.keskinen@ayy.fi, 040 502 4015

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