Sano se suomeksi! campaign at Aalto University 13.1.-14.3.2014

International student,

do you want to improve your Finnish language skills? Wish you had more opportunities to use Finnish? Aalto University’s Sano se suomeksi! campaign, starting on 13 January is just the thing for you! It gives you the chance to practice Finnish in everyday situations and makes learning Finnish fun.

How can you take part in the campaign?
Pick up a “Finnish passport” from the Aalto Language Centre, from an AYY service point or from the Student Services Office of any Aalto School.  Use Finnish in everyday situations at the University and ask the staff to sign your passport with their name as well as the date and place where you used Finnish. Return the passport(s) to the Language Centre or to the Student Services office of your School by 14 March 2014. Five students who collect the most signatures will win small prizes. In addition, a lottery will be organized among all participants who collect at least ten signatures.

Where can you use Finnish and collect signatures for your passport?

  • Student restaurants and cafeterias
  • University libraries
  • Student Services Offices
  • AYY service points and KY office
  • From guild and other student organization officials
  • Teachers etc.

For a complete list and more information, please visit The campaign is organized by the Aalto University Language Centre, the AYY and the Aalto University Schools.

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