AYY: Community’s safety net is an important part of well-being

6 Mar 2014
Aalto University Student Union

Aalto University Student Union (AYY) is shocked and worried about the stabbing incident, which took place yesterday in front of Dipoli. AYY constantly cooperates with the University, FSHS and regional health care units in order to promote well-being and prevent violent situations.

The entire student community has an important role in the prevention. No person should be allowed to drop through the human safety net. Community support is important for each of us, and especially for those who have any worries. In addition to early intervention, it is important to provide adequate resources for the promotion of physical and mental well-being.

”The most dangerous scenario that could happen to each of us is to be left alone with your worries”, says Chair of AYY Board Lauri Lehtoruusu. ”The best cure for this is a functinoing, approving and healthy community.”

Further information:

Chair of AYY Board Lauri Lehtoruusu: 050 5209 420, lauri.lehtoruusu@ayy.fi
AYY’s Secretary General Janne Koskenniemi:  050 5209 415, janne.koskenniemi@ayy.fi


Due to the violent situation, a debriefing session will be organised for the students and staff in TU2 auditorium in TUAS Building (Otaniementie 17) at 1pm on 7 March. The event is open to all who are affected by the case or consider necessary to discuss the raised emotions with experts. Professionals from FSHS and Terveystalo will also be present in the event.

Crisis support is available for students at FSHS. http://www.yths.fi/vastaanotto_ja_neuvonta/mielenterveys/kriisiapu (yths.fi)


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