Listen, EU! Take part in the students’ EU panel discussion Fri 14 March – also broadcasted live!

On Friday 14 March at 9:30-12:00, the two national unions for higher education students in Finland, SAMOK and SYL, will arrange an EU elections panel discussion Listen, EU!, focusing on themes relevant to students and youth.

The panel discussion includes top names from all the main parties:

Miapetra Kumpula-Natri (Social Democratic Party), Anni Sinnemäki (Green League), Sampo Terho (True Finns), Björn Månsson (Swedish People’s Party), Annika Lapintie (Left Alliance), Petri Sarvamaa (National Coalition Party), Anneli Jäätteenmäki (Centre Party), and Juha Richter (Christian Democrats).

Europe is growing grey, and EU struggles with a lack of confidence in the union. Questions we will put to the candidates include: What can EU offer the younger generation? How can EU decision-making be made more transparent and understandable? Why should students at all be interested in EU and decisions being made in Brussels? How can students and youth be heard? Is the European Commission sneaking in to national education policy through a back door?

Welcome to partake in the toughest election debate this spring!

Event Students’ EU elections panel discussion Listen, EU!

  • Time: Friday 14 March, 9:30-12:00
  • Venue: Eurooppasali (Malminkatu 16, Helsinki)
  • In social media: #kuuleEU


  • 9:30 Coffee and meeting the panellists
  • 10:00 Opening, presidents Toni Asikainen (SAMOK) and Piia Kuosmanen (SYL)
  • 10:10-12:00 Panel discussion: Listen, EU!

Moderators: presidents Mariam Rguibi (JEF Finland) and Mikko Valtonen (STTK Students). The panel discussion is in Finnish.

The discussion will be streamed live.  The streaming link is ja the same information about the link will  also be found at both SYL’s ( and SAMOK’s ( websites.

You can also participate in the discussion in Twitter and Facebook. The best questions on Twitter will be selected and put to the participating candidates. The hashtag for social media is #kuuleEU.

Media representatives are welcome to the panel discussion.

The students’ panel discussion is also the kickoff for the Finnish higher education students’ EU election campaign, called Listen, EU! – A Europe for students. During spring, SYL and SAMOK will arrange different election events, campaigns and discussions in different cities throughout Finland, together with local student unions.

Additional information:

Vice-president Jari Järvenpää (SYL), tel. +358 44 906 5005, jari.jarvenpaa(at) Executive committee member Anniina Sippola (SAMOK), tel. +358 50 389 1004, anniina.sippola(at)

The event can also be found on Facebook:



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