Elaboration on the practices of weekly and association newsletters

AYY publishes weekly and association newsletters every week. The purpose of the newsletters is to distribute information to the community about the activities of AYY and its associations and partners.

About 10 pieces of news are published weekly in the weekly newsletter. News cover topics that are relevant to the student union members. These include, among other things, news concerning the student card, student financial aid and other social affairs, the university’s releases that affect the student’s everyday life (e-mail service breaks, printing services, renovation of essential facilities, etc.) and interesting current events about the community. Information concerns as many AYY members as possible. Sports releases are also published in the weekly newsletter.

The association newsletter includes news that are relevant to associations. The recipients are associations, not individual members. Association news can include, for example, AYY’s training or grant advertisements, recruitment for working bees or the releases of associations to one another (e.g. releases about reserving tickets as an association). From now on, all texts for the association and weekly newsletters should be submitted to tiedotteet@ayy.fi. The communications specialist and communications officer will divide texts to the right newsletter in accordance with the above-mentioned description.

NB! The deadline for the association newsletter is 10am on Wednesday (published on Friday) and the deadline for the weekly newsletter is 10am on Thursday (published on the following Monday). The delay between the deadline and publicaton is due to the fact that all texts are translated into Swedish and English. Please take translating into account in your text: If the event is held in Finnish, please specify it by saying that ”The language of the seminar is Finnish” or ”Participation requires Finnish skills”.

If you have any feedback/comments/development ideas in terms of AYY’s newsletters, you can send them to tiedotteet@ayy.fi. Communications Specialist Kati Penttinen and Communications Officer Henna Lahti are glad to receive any ideas.

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