Take part in the development cooperation themed writing competition and win a 500 euro gift voucher for travel

What do students in your field have to offer development cooperation? Or what can development cooperation offer you? Take part in the writing competition and inspire other students in your field to engage in development cooperation.

The development cooperation themed writing competition is announced by the student unions participating in the Development Week (Fi. Kehyviikko) AYY, HYY, ISYY, JYY, LYY, OYY, Tamy, and TYY. The week is a joint project of aforementioned student unions and The National Union of University Students in Finland (SYL). The writing competition is arranged in cooperation with The Finnish University Partnership for International Development UniPID. The competition is open to students who are members of the student unions participating in the Development Week.

Write a factual text pondering the connection between your field of study and development or development cooperation. You can also use your text to inspire other students in your field to get involved in development cooperation, or use it to highlight how your field of studies could be used more as a resource in development cooperation.

Send your max two pages long text (line spacing 1.5, font 12, Times New Roman) at the latest Friday 15 August 2014 to AYY’s Specialist of International Affairs (milla.ovaska(at)ayy.fi). You can write in English, Finnish or Swedish. The three best texts from each participating student union will participate in the final. The student unions will select the finalists by Monday 8 September 2014. The winner is decided by a three-person jury with representatives of SYL, UniPID, and the Developemnt Week Coordinators. The winner will be announced during the Development Week on Monday 13 October 2014. The winner will be contacted personally.

Participating student unions may, if they wish, publish the texts submitted by their members on their own Development Week Facebook page. The texts in the final will be published on the Facebook page of The National Union of University Students in Finland (SYL).

The winner will be awarded a 500 euro gift voucher for travel.

The student unions, SYL and UniPID retains the right to use all submitted texts in their  events and information about the Development Week as well as on their websites. The name or pseudonym (as the writer prefers) will always be mentioned when the text is used.

For more information, contact SYL’s Development Cooperation Coordinator Salla Mäkelä: salla.makela@syl.fi, 044 780 0220

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