Remember student health care in social welfare and health care reform!

Statement: free for distribution

Remember student health care in social welfare and health care reform!

Student unions in the metropolitan area demand that the health care of university students should remain in its present form, despite the social welfare and health care reform. Social and health care legislation has been in preparation and will be considered by the Parliament. The position of Finnish Student Health Service (FSHS) is still uncertain.

”The current position of FSHS ensures that all university students are covered by a uniform and equal health care system. FSHS must be preserved in the social welfare and health care reform”, says Anna-Maija Riekkinen, Chair of the Student Union of the University of Helsinki Board. ”We do not want to open the student health care for competitive tendering, when equality between students who study in different municipalities would be compromised. The students’ health would become available for profit-making, which is not on the agenda of FSHS.”

There is no reason to dismantle a well-functioning student health care system. FSHS has strong expertise in student health care and the needs of the student age group, as well as functional schemes for cooperation between different professional groups and the University. Students themselves are also satisfied with the FSHS services. In the most recent customer satisfaction survey (2012), 90 per cent gave at least a good grade to FSHS.

”Good health and study ability promote the well-being of students and prevent the discontinuation of studies. This is particularly enabled by functional student health care, where the focus is on the prevention of health problems”, comments Chair of Aalto University Student Union Board Lauri Lehtoruusu. In the view of the student unions, it is particularly important that the students’ mental health services function and students receive treatment in time, as mental health problems are the major cause of incapacity for work among the young. Study years also form a foundation for health behaviour later in life. Healthy students are also healthy employees.


In Helsinki, 13 June 2014


Aalto University Student Union, Lauri Lehtoruusu, Chair of the Board

Student Union of the University of Helsinki, Anna-Maija Riekkinen, Chair of the Board

Student Union of Hanken School of Economics, Kennet Lundström, Chair of the Board

University of the Arts Student Union, Mikael Kinanen, Chair of the Board


Further information:

Pauliina Mäkkeli, AYY’s Board Member,  050 491 9397

Lauri Jurvanen, HYY’s Specialist ,050 543 9605

Antti Kähkönen, SHS’ Secretary General,, 040 352 1442

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