The opening ceremony of Academic Year 2014-2015

The students, faculty and staff of Aalto University are all invited to celebrate the opening of the academic year on Tuesday 2 September 2014, at 13.15. The festivities will take place on the Arabia Campus and Otaniemi Campus this year. The opening ceremony will take place at the School of Arts, design and architecture on the Arabia Campus and will start with the traditional procession of professors and continues until approximately 14.30.


Registration opens Monday 18 August at 13.00.

Registration to the inauguration ceremony for students, DL 29.8
Registration to Aalto Party, DL 2.9

Aalto Party

Aalto Party starts off the year! Join the celebrations of the new academic year together with students and staff.

Aalto Party will kick off at 16.00 with a traditional challenge between the board of AYY (the Student Union of Aalto University) and the management of the university. The afternoon’s various activities includes meetings and mingling, dancing, and so much more.

The party will take place on Ainon aukio, Otaniemi (Otaniementie 11/ Konemiehentie 2). Please note that the parking lot will be closed 1–2 September.

Bus transportation is arranged from Töölö and Arabia campuses.

Start the year at Aalto Party!

Lisätietoa / Ytterligare information / Further information:

Lukuvuoden avajaisseremonia / Inskriptionsceremonin/ The Opening of the Academic Year Ceremony
Minna Pajari,, 050 571 0526

Aalto Party

Katri Winqvist,, 050 591 4314

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