AYY’s Lauri Lehtoruusu to run as a candidate for SYL Board for the year of 2015

Aalto University Student Union
For immediate release

Aalto University Student Union (AYY) nominates student of architecture Lauri Lehtoruusu to the Board of the National Union of University Students in Finland (SYL) for the year of 2015.

Currently, Mr Lehtoruusu acts as the chairperson of AYY Board. Previously, Mr Lehtoruusu has acted as the chairperson and vice chairperson of the Guild of Architecture, as well as a member of AYY’s Representative Council and the editor-in-chief for May Day magazine Äpy.

”In the year of parliamentary elections, we need an active student movement to take initiative,   defend free high-quality education and require an adequate income. Students are the hopes of the future and we have to raise fresh initiatives to the public debate,” envisions Mr Lehtoruusu and continues: ”Next year, I want to participate in the building of a positive image for students and the forward-looking student movement!”

When acting in AYY, Mr Lehtoruusu has proved that he has the basic requirements for student advocacy: motivation and the will to study issues. “This year, Lauri has tackled all the challenges with enthusiasm, bringing new solutions instead of being set in the old ways,” AYY’s Secretary General Janne Koskenniemi describes. ”In addition, Lauri has been a great colleague and the leader of the Board!”

SYL will elect the Board for the year of 2015 at its union meeting in Korpilampi, Espoo, on 21-22 November. SYL represents the Finnish university students at the national level and takes a position on education policy, social policy and international affairs.

Further information:

Candidate for the Board Lauri Lehtoruusu, lauri.lehtoruusu@ayy.fi, 050 520 9420

AYY Secretary General Janne Koskenniemi, janne.koskenniemi@ayy.fi, 050 520 9415


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