Bowler Juhani Tonteri elected as Aalto Athlete 2014

Aalto University Student Union (AYY) Board has elected bowler Juhani Tonteri as Aalto Athlete 2014. Tonteri is a fresh Finnish Champion in men’s general bowling division. He has undertaken demanding electrical engineering studies at Aalto University and has received high grades. In addition, throughout his studies, he has been an open, helpful student who encourages his fellow students. Tonteri is a member of the Metropolitan Area Sports Academy (URHEA).

Aalto University’s Provost Ilkka Niemelä and AYY Board Member Pauliina Mäkkeli awarded Aalto Athlete before the start of Aaltokymppi race on Sunday, 21 Sept 2014.

Aalto Athlete has been elected since 2010. The award requires that a student has been successful in one’s sport on a national or international level or particularly during this year. Another requirement is that a student elected as Aalto Athlete has succesfully progressed in studies. The elected student also has to be a fair and honest member of the community. AYY Board elects Aalto Athlete based on nominations.

Previous Aalto Athletes:

  • 2013: Team Gymnast Marianne Vikkula
  • 2012: Taekwondoka Joonas Heikkinen
  • 2011: Synchronised Ice-skater Venla Kuuluvainen
  • 2010: Swimmer Katja Lehtonen


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