Energy Efficiency Week is here again

Aalto University, Aalto University Properties Ltd. and Aalto University Student Union (AYY) are challenging everyone in the Aalto Community to join the National Energy Efficiency Week from 6 – 10 October 2014!

The theme of the week is a familiar one: the use of electricity and energy efficiency. A head start to the Energy Efficiency Week will take place on 2 October in connection with the Dipoli Green Office 10 years event, and the opening of the Energy Garage in Otaniemi. Energy Garage is in initiative from the students, linking departments, companies and students together. EG is located at Sähkömiehentie 4G, next to the ADD Café, in the K4 building.

Energy Efficiency Week programme

  • Thu 2 Oct.14 Energy Garage opens in Otaniemi
  • Thu 2 Oct.14  10:30 – 13:00 Wellbeing week at Dipoli – Green Office 10 years, presenting i.a.  the Reduce a Tonne competition and Energy Self-Sufficient Otaniemi 2030
  • Mon 6 October 14 Launch of energy efficiency web pages of Aalto University Properties Ltd.
  • Tue 7 Oct. 14 Aalto University Properties Ltd. training for building delegates and janitors at Energy Garage
  • Thu 9 Oct.14 Data belongs to everyone – WWF and Schneider seminar on the carbon footprint of data centres at Design Factory
  • Fri 10 Oct. Launch of the energy efficiency competition organised by Aalto Energy Platform,  AEF-Energy Efficiency Research Programme,  AYY and Aalto University Properties Ltd.
  • Thu 23 Oct.14 Demo day for AEF research projects at the Energy Garage, 12:00-16:00

Energy Efficiency Week events are coordinated by an energy efficiency team, which is coordinated by Aalto University Properties Ltd. The team’s tasks include:

  • making proposals for developing energy efficiency
  • seeing to the advancement of approved measures and receiving feedback from users and proposals for new measures.
  • seeking out those responsible for energy-efficiency in each building, and organising their training
  • following up on energy consumption goals for each building

Further information

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