Public transport fares to rise

HSL 21.10.2014 (Read release on HSL’s webpage)

HSL fares will rise on average by 3.8 percent at the beginning of next year. The price increases are due to significant public transport investments in the region. Season and value ticket prices will increase the most.

The price of city internal season tickets will rise by three euros to €49.50 (30 days). The price of a corresponding regional ticket will go up by slightly under three euros to €98.60. The main reason for the price increases are the public transport investments underway.

“The Ring Rail Line to open next year, new Sm5 trains and new trunk route 560 to start operating in autumn 2015 will increase the public transport operating costs by some €11.6 million in 2015 and this is reflected in the ticket prices. Of course, also services will improve significantly,” says HSL Executive Director Suvi Rihtniemi.

The Ring Rail Line, automation of the Metro and the West Metro will increase HSL’s infrastructure costs also in the future. The infrastructure costs will increase in total by €64.3 million to €130 million between 2014 and 2017 so there will be pressure to increase fares also in the coming years. Half of the costs of public transport investments in the HSL area are paid by the municipality where the investment is made. The other half is paid by HSL. One fourth of the investments are funded by HSL ticket revenue, one fourth by direct infrastructure subsidies from the municipalities.

Price difference between internal and regional tickets to decrease

The prices of internal tickets will increase relatively more than those of regional tickets next year. HSL wants to decrease the price difference between internal and regional tickets as the introduction of the new zone system approaches. In the new system, the fares will no longer be determined by municipal boundaries. At the moment, internal season tickets are the most subsidized tickets. For example, the municipal subsidy for Helsinki internal season tickets is 63 percent in 2015. The real cost of the ticket is €134 while the customers pay €49.50.

The single fares will mainly remain unchanged. However, the price of a three-zone adult single ticket will rise by 50 cent to €7.50 and the child fare by 30 cents to €3.80. Also the regional night fare will rise from €6 to €7. The prices of day tickets will not change.

HSL proposes an increase for the penalty fare from €80 to €100. The amount of the penalty fare is fixed by the Ministry of Transport and Communications. The fare has remained unchanged since 2007.

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