AYY elected the former of the Board and Chairperson of the Representative Council for 2015

5 Nov 2014
For immediate release

The Representative Council of Aalto University Student Union (AYY) appointed the former of the Board and Chairperson of the Representative Council for the year 2015 at its meeting on 5 Nov.

The fifth year student of network economics Niko Ferm was elected as the former of the Board. This year, Ferm has acted in AYY Board being responsible for communications, organisations and facilities. Previously, he has led Aalto Community Section Aava, among other things.

”My feelings after the election are incredible, but my thoughts are quickly moving on to the forming of the Board. I want to form a diverse Board whichs represent all Aalto schools,” Ferm descibres right after his election. ”Next year, our campus will become even richer along with the campus development and new students. AYY Board and the entire organisation must contribute to the creation of a member-oriented and dynamic community, where we can all learn from each other!”

The former of the Board makes a proposal to the Representative Council on the composition of the Student Union Board for the next year. The Representative Council will elect the new Board at the board meeting on Thursday, 27 Nov 2014.

The first year doctoral student of materials science and engineering Iiro Lehtiniemi was elected as the chairperson of the Representative Council. This year, Lehtiniemi has acted as the 2nd Vice Chair of the Representative Council. Previously, he has acted as AYY’s volunteer, elected official and employee, official in the Guild of Mining and Metallurgy Students and Prosessiteekkarit, as well as in the Board of the subject organisation X.

“It’s great that I can bring my experience to the student union’s use” Lehtiniemi says.

Aalto University Student Union AYY is a service and interest organisation for approximately 15,000 Aalto University students. AYY represents its members’ interests in education and social policy issues, in particular. The Representative Council is AYY’s highest decision-making body, which elects the student union board and decides on the budget, among other things.

Further information:

Niko Ferm, The former of the board 2015, niko.ferm@ayy.fi, 050 994 3120
Iiro Lehtiniemi, Chairperson of the Representative Council 2015, iiro.lehtiniemi@aalto.fi, +358 400 510 224
Administrative Director Johanna Pietiläinen, johanna.pietilainen@ayy.fi



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