AYY’s Lauri Lehtoruusu appointed to SYL Executive Board for the year of 2015

22 Nov 2014
For immediate release

Student of Architecture Lauri Lehtoruusu has been elected as a member for the Executive Board of the National Union of University Students in Finland (SYL) for the year of 2015.

Currently, Lehtoruusu acts as the Chairperson of AYY Board. Previously, Lehtoruusu has acted as the chairperson and vice chairperson of the Guild of Architecture, a member of AYY’s Representative Council and as the chief editor of May Day magazine Äpy.

”This in incredible! A big thank you to all who had faith in me” rejoices Lehtoruusu after his election and continues: ”Next year, we will have an astonishing team making a better tomorrow for students – I promise to bring some forward-looking attitude from AYY.”

“Lauri is the James Bond of the student movement and it feels so right that Lauri will promote the interests of students in one of the most influential Finnish organisations next year”, says AYY’s Secretary General Janne Koskenniemi. ”All Blofelds in education policy should watch out!”

Next year, SYL Executive Board will be chaired by Jari Järvenpää (Tamy). Other members of the Executive Board are Janne Hälinen (Student Union of the University of Lapland LYY), Paula Martikainen (Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland ISYY), Jussi Nieminen (Student Union of the University of Turku TYY), Iiris Niinikoski (Student Union of the University of Helsinki HYY) and Silja Silvasti (Student Union of the University of Jyväskylä JYY).

The SYL General Assembly was held at Korpilampi in Espoo on Friday and Saturday 21–22 November. Decisions were also made regarding next years’ strategy. The General Assembly is the highest decision-making body of SYL, with representatives from all 15 university student unions in Finland.

Further information:

Lauri Lehtoruusu, lauri.lehtoruusu@ayy.fi, 050 520 9420
AYY’s Secretary General Janne Koskenniemi, janne.koskenniemi@ayy.fi, 050 520 9415


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