FSHS’s appointment fees to rise in 2015

Appointment fees charged by the Finnish Student Health Service will rise on 1 January 2015. This is because the state’s rental subsidy received by the FSHS is to be halved.

Student appointment fees will rise for certain specialist services and long oral health appointments. General practitioner, public health nurse, dental hygienist, short dentist appointments (max. 10 min) and mental health appointments will remain free of charge for students.

The new fee for specialist appointments (except for psychiatrists) is €24, and the fee for dentist appointments subject to charge will rise with €2.

The charge for no-show appointments will rise from €25 to €35.

Fees for FSHS certificates subject to charge will also rise, while some changes will be introduced to the issuing of certificates.

Read more http://www.yths.fi/filebank/2980-Hinnasto_1_1_2015_alkaen_ENG.pdf .

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