Nordic Students’ Beach Volleyball Championship 2015

We hereby open a preliminary call for all Nordic higher education students to
participate in the first Nordic Students’ Beach Volleyball Championship
(NSBVC) tournament! This preliminary registration is non-binding and will
not cost you anything. However, the registration will give you a priority in an
upcoming binding registration call. We encourage players to a prompt
enrolment, as we use them to evaluate the amount of potential participants.
You may enroll even if you do not have a partner yet.

You can make non-binding earlybird registration here:
or send an email to .

Tournament: The tournament venue is in Finland, at the public port of Kuopio.
The NSBVC is a 2-day tournament between Following the
student tournament, an international FIVB-tournament is held at the same
venue (5. 9.8). Thus, you may compete against fellow students and
afterwards enjoy the expetional thrill of a world-class beach volleyball
tourney! The technical details of the game field will be in line with the FIVB’s
strict guidelines. Something else to look forward to are the prizes, as the
winners of the last years students’ championship received brand new Lenovo

The organizing committee (OC): The OC has experience from two National
Students’ Beach Volleyball Championships in Finland, the latter of which
being organized in cooperation with the offcial Finnish National Beachvolley
championship finals (Trust Kapital OPEN 2014). The OC has vast experience
on near-professional level tournament management, and furthermore, the
support of the adjacent FIVB-level tournament.

Eligible participants: 1) must have citizenship of a Nordic country; 2) must be
currently studying a higher education degree, or must have graduated from such
within the past year. The pairs must be of same gender.

Eligible Nordic countries: Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland and Estonia.

Additional information: More information will be spread through the Nordic students
sport associations, NSBVC mailing lists, and in the near future, our official
tournament website. A tournament fee has not yet been set, but it is estimated to vary
from 50 to 100 € per participant. You do NOT need to pay anything before a later
binding registration. The preliminary registration does NOT bind you to any fees.
Potential players are encouraged to start enquiring their student associations and
institutions for travel/participancy grants. Additional enquiries should be directed to

Best regards on behalf of the organizing committee,

Antti-Pekka Elomaa
University of Eastern Finland

Teemu Soininen
Event Manager, Vice-Chairman
University of Eastern Finland

Olli-Pekka Sartanen
University of Eastern Finland


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