Aalto High5

Save the date: You are invited to High5 on February 26 at 14.00, Dipoli

High5 is a great way to express success, celebration or affection between friends, colleagues, and co-students, without the formality of a handshake or the intimacy of a hug. It is specially used in moments full of victory.

26 February 2015 everyone studying and working at Aalto University is offered an afternoon and evening to reflect and explore the work that has been done during the last five years.

Why? Because there are so many cool things going on at our university and we seldom have the time to reflect over and celebrate our achievements. Now is the time to come and check out the opportunities a multidisciplinary university can offer you: Pick and mix to collect all the information straight from the source – from a professor in the flesh!

Experience our university in a nutshell during one afternoon at Dipoli:
* The Auditorium and ground floor are reserved for talks and science presentations.
* Upstairs you can find Demoland, Master’ s Programme Paradise, Arctic Room, and much, much more.
* The basement and caves are reserved for treating all your five senses with interactive stimuli.

* Music and mingling accompanied by Boston Promenade Big Band

Tasters on research, experiences and results

Aalto ARTS will showcase the imposing Frankfurt Book Fair realisation and the fascinating LEGO® installation accompanied by tasters of fresh fashion, films and Living+ videos. Aalto ARTS Books brings you the latest wisdom and beauty of dissertations and art books created within Aalto University.

Have you ever thought about the bias that affect the decisions we make? Well, the researchers at Aalto BIZ have, and they will expose the topic with some videos. In a talk run by Aalto BIZ, some leading professors and researchers who already made it to the world class will share their experiences and tell you how they did it. And for those who don’t know it yet, the foundation of the 50-year-old Boston Promenade big band is with Aalto BIZ students! Please stay tuned all the way to the evening to learn more!

Aalto CHEM will present their latest innovation in solar energy, i.e. printable solar panels. You can also take part in a haptic wood research and learn more about wood fiber, or just learn more about the research within chemistry at Aalto at the CHEM cinema. For that, you need to come to Dipoli to find out.

The researchers and students of Aalto ELEC have also been working with some intriguing things lately. They will introduce us the chair that take measurements of your health – combined with a lie detector. The Aalto 1 satellite will be displayed, as well as robots and various technology applications related to your sight and hearing.

The activities of Aalto ENG will guide you to the wonderful world of constructing both on land and in water. You will be shown the ropes of virtual ship design or constructing environments digitally. Or, why not keep your down jacket on and visit the Arctic Room – the closest to Antarctica you can get without leaving Finland! Check out these solutions and suggestions to other wicked problems like how to eat less water – and solve global water crisis.

All game-lovers get ready! As a result of multidisciplinary research, Aalto SCI will provide a game room where you can challenge your colleague or a fellow student for a game or two! Or, maybe you feel like picking a colleague’s brain by hearing something about speech science or neuroscience?

These are just some of the highlights and there are many more experiences in the pipeline for you to catch up on. In Dipoli you will also find the Minors Expo and presentations of the Master’s Programmes!

Click and registrate at https://eage.aalto.fi/?fs/AaltoHighFiv

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