During spring 2015 AYY will film a 10-15 min video to develop teaching of multicultural groups in Aalto and we’re now looking for potential students to share their opinions on the video. You don’t have to be a film-star or an experienced speaker, we’re looking for all kinds of students to share their experiences and feelings about teaching in Aalto. What has disturbed you in teaching in Aalto? How is teaching different in your country of origin? What is the teacher-student-relationship like? Is the concept of a good student the same in your country and in Finland? Have you had difficulties understanding the teaching or instructions you’ve gotten in Aalto? Has it been easy to understand Finnish academic culture? Do you know what is expected of you? Have you had difficulties understanding why your Finnish teacher/fellow student acts in a certain way? How has the cooperation been in group works? The video will be made for the teaching staff and it’s meant to open their eyes to understand the variety of students they have in their class. In the video we also give advice on how to develop teaching of multicultural groups, so we appreciate your ideas for that as well.
If you’re interested in joining the project and appearing on the video, send a brief description yourself and some experiences regarding the theme to international@ayy.fi by 9.3.2015. The filming will be done in March-April and you’re time is needed for maximum 30 minutes. All the persons appearing on the video will get a movie ticket as a reward.