Operating grant application period and the submitting of association notices to begin on 1 March

The submitting of AYY’s association notices and the application period for the operating grant will begin at midnight on 1 March and end on Tuesday, 31 March at 11.59pm.

All associations approved in the first list of AYY’s association register may apply for the operating grant. All associations operating within AYY, however, must fill in the association notice. If the association notice is not submitted in two consecutive years, the association may be removed from AYY’s association register.  If you are uncertain whether your association belongs to the first or the second list, please contact the organisation specialist (jarjestoasiat@ayy.fi). This year, AYY will introduce a new association database, so it is very important that all associations fill in the association notice: previous information is not automatically transferred between the systems.

The operating grants and association notices are processed as quickly as possible in April-May. This year, however, their allocation and payment may occur later in May due to the parliamentary elections and the capping of Manta statue.

Further information on the allocation process is available at Operating grants page which includes the scoring model used for the allocation of the operating grants and the grant amounts allocated in the previous years. If you have any questions, please contact the organisation sector (jarjestoasiat@ayy.fi). You can also reach the organisation specialist by phone at 050 520 9442, the best time to call is on weekdays at 10am-2pm.

Please note! From now on, increased operating grants are not allocated at all. You can apply for funding from TTE-Fund for all projects outside continuous operations and for new mind-blowing ideas (Further information: tter.ayy.fi).

Use of the association database

Associations submit the association notice and apply for the operating grant by using a brand new database Tahlo (operating grant application form). The system is available at http://tahlo.ayy.fi

The first time you log in, you must create an account. Each association creates their own account, accounts have not been entered into the system in advance. It is advisable to use the association’s official abbreviation or the commonly used name. The password must be at least 8 characters long and must contain special characters and numbers. Please store your password: you will need it again next year.

Please fill in all the information carefully. When you use the system for the first time, you need to fill in plenty of information, so please reserve enough time and be on time! The next time will be easier as the information will be copied from previous years. You may update information until the forms close at 11.59pm on 31 Mar, so you do not have to remember everything at once. Please remember to save any changes! Please note that there are also sections (e.g. association register category to which the association belongs and the date of joining), which associations do not fill in. These sections are filled in by the organisation sector after processing the applications and notices.

If you encounter any problems, typos or other errors in the system, please contact jarjestoasiat@ayy.fi. We try to be alert if the system crashes, for example, but if you report any problems, we can react faster.

If you only fill in the association notice and do not apply for the operating grant

You will need

  • valid rules
  • annual report from the year of 2014
  • plan of action for the year of 2015
  • list of officials

Please fill in the tabs Basic Information (also the association board at the bottom of the page), Facilities and Attachments. You do not have to fill in the tab Operating Grant Application.

If you also apply for the operating grant

You will need

  • valid rules
  • annual report from the year of 2014
  • financial statement, balance sheet and income statement from the year of 2014
  • plan of action for the year of 2015
  • budget for the year of 2015
  • list of officials

If any document is delayed due to the association’s anniversary, for example, please inform the organisation specialist in advance! Additional time may be granted for justified reasons, whereas missing documents will reduce the amount of the grant.

Please fill in all the tabs carefully, particularly the operating grant application. The operating grant is allocated by using the scoring model for the operating grants. Therefore, please respond to all the questions as scores are determined directly on the basis of the responses. The introduction of the new model may cause changes to the amount of the allocated grants.

The association profile on AYY’s website is the prerequisite for the payment of the operating grant. The profile must be available at least in one of the domestic languages (Finnish or Swedish) and in English. It is essential that the profiles of all associations are available in all three language versions. You do not have to translate the profile into all three languages, two out of three is enough. The profile may be in Finnish on the Finnish site (ayy.fi) and in English on the English and Swedish sites. You can write translations in ”Translations” section in ”Language” bar on the upper right corner of the profile edit site. More specific instructions are available here (only in Finnish).

Each association is responsible for updating and translating their own profile. If you do not have anyone in your association who speaks either Finnish or Swedish, please contact the Organisation Specialist.

You can edit the profile by logging on to the site at /wp-admin. The username to the site is mainly the association abbreviation used by the association itself. If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it on the log-in site. Usernames are mainly connected with the e-mal list of the association board, so the confirmation email should be delivered there.