One week left to apply for the operating grant or submit the association notice!


The association database Tahlo was down most of the weekend. Now it is operational again. I apologize for the inconvenience!

Since the downtime was long and caused problems and inconvenience to many we decided to extend the applying period over the Eastern Holidays. The new deadline is 7th April at 23:59.


The application period for the operating grants in 2015 and the submitting of association notices will end after one week at 11.59pm on Tuesday, 31 Mar.

All associations approved in the first list of AYY’s association register may apply for the operating grant. All associations operating within AYY, however, must fill in the association notice. If you are uncertain whether your association belongs to the first or the second list, please contact the organisation specialist  (

If you encounter any problems or need help, please contact the organisation specialist ( You can also reach the organisation specialist by phone at 050 520 9442, the best time to call is on weekdays at 10am-2pm.

Please note! You cannot add an association to AYY’s association register by filling in the association notice or by applying for the grant. You must join AYY’s association register separately, instructions are available here. Associations entered in the system as ”additional” will be removed.



1) Go to the address and create a username for your association through ”new association” link. Use the abbreviation of the association as a username to make it recognisable. The username can include the maximum of 11 characters. The password must include at least eight characters as well as numbers and special characters.

Please note! If your username is too long, the system will automatically cut it after 11 characters and link this username with the association name that you have provided. There is no separate notification about this. When a username has been created for an association under a certain name, you cannot create a new organisation or username under the same name and you must sign in with the abbreviated username. So please pay attention when creating the username!

2) Fill in the tabs ”Basic information”, ”Facilities” and ”Attachments”. Required attachments are:

  • valid association rules
  • annual report from the year of 2014
  • plan of action for the year of 2015
  • list of officials

You do not have to fill in everything at once: you can return to edit information with your password or username until the forms close (31 Mar, 11.59pm).

Please note that the form includes sections (such as the category in the association register and the date of joining the register, for example), which the association should not fill in. These sections are filled in by the organisation sector when processing notices and applications. After this, you have completed the association notice.

3) ONLY IF YOU APPLY FOR THE OPERATING GRANT: Please fill in carefully the tab ”application for the operating grant”. The operating grant is allocated by using the scoring model for the operating grant. The scoring model is now used for the first time and may cause changes to the amount of the allocated grants.

Also fill in financial documents in the ”Attachments” tab. In addition to the documents mentioned in the previous section, you will need:

  • financial statement, balance sheet and income statement from the year of 2014
  • budget for the year of 2015

Please remember the association profile on! The profile is a precondition for the payment of the operating grant. More preconditions and instructions are available here

If a document is missing or won’t be ready in time: please inform the organisation specialist immediately. Additional time may be granted in advance for justified reasons, whereas incomplete documents will reduce the amount of the grant.

4) Be on time! There is surprisingly much information to fill in. In addition, the form is brand new and therefore there may be unexpected features that will slow down the process. Help or IT support outside the office hours is not available, so it is advisable to apply well before the deadline. Please report any bugs or other problems that you may detect to the address in order for us to fix them for the next year.

5) Please make sure one more time that you saved all the changes. After that pat yourself on the back for filling in the application or the notice in time. You do not receive a separate notice about the processing of association notices unless something is wrong. Operating grant decisions are made as quickly as possible in April-May and all applicants will receive a notice to the provided address.