Changes to mental health services in FSHS Helsinki-Espoo unit

There have been operational changes in FSHS Helsinki-Espoo Unit in regard to mental health. The foundation provides basic health care services supported by special services in mental health. The main issue for students is to have access to health care. There is a need to standardise the services and tighter financing directs FSHS to primarily focus on services provided in the regulations. It is important that students receive services within the time limit set by legislation. It has been necessary to consider in more detail how much the specialists – in this case, psychiatrists – participate in treatment.

FSHS has introduced a one-channel model for access to treatment (assessment on the need for treatment over phone) and job descriptions have been re-organised. The administration has been streamlined and resources have been transferred to clinical work. Working hours released from psychiatrists have been changed into the working hours of psychologists. Students can receive support for short-term psychotherapy services from Kela and therefore FSHS no longer provides these services. Helsinki-Espoo Unit has previously had much better resources for psychiatric services than other health care units. Throught natural attrition, the level of psychiatric services is currently on the average level of the foundation. In the future, psychiatrists will more clearly have a role which consults and supports basic health care (support for general practitioners, public health nurses and psychologists).

The care relationships of the patients of psychiatrists (duration and content) are re-evaluated individually. Some of the patients treated by psychiatrists are now transferred to treatment/follow-up of general practitioners. The referral practices of FSHS to third parties are re-evaluated (coming to treatment from psychiatric health care and guidance to psychiatric health care for follow-up treatment).

These changes will transfer the responsibility for care to general practitioners and public health nurses. Due to the decrease in psychiatric health care, the reception of these professional groups may become overloaded at the beginning. The purpose of the changes is to secure the availability and equality of mental health services regardless of the municipality as well as to ensure the national range of services according to the definition of student health care.

Further information:

Tapio Hyrkäs, Director of Helsinki-Espoo Unit

Marja-Leena Hauhia, Head Physician of Mental Health at Helsinki-Espoo Unit

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