Operating grants allocated for the year of 2015

AYY Board has made decisions on the operating grants for the year of 2015 at its meeting 23/2015.

Each association is informed separately of the allocated amount via e-mail. In addition, the amount of the grant and justifications for a particularly major or otherwise significant change is updated to the association database Tahlo (http://tahlo.ayy.fi). If you have not received the e-mail or cannot find the information on Tahlo, please contact the organisation specialist (jarjestoasiat@ayy.fi).

The entire list on the allocated grants is available on AYY’s website.

A total of 151 associations applied for the grant, of which 17 were special status associations. 18 000 were allocated to special status associations and 48 989 to other associations. The total amount available for the operating grants increased from last year, as the funds previously allocated as project grants and increased operating grants were transferred to operating grants in the budget. In 2014, EUR 17 150 of operating grants was allocated to special status associations and EUR 41 975 to other associations.  

In addition to the increase in the total amount of the grant, a scoring model prepared and approved in 2014 was now used for the first time. As a result of the new scoring model and an increase on the budget grants allocated to major associations slightly decreased and there was more emphasis on communal, interdisciplinary and international activities.

In connection with the allocation of grants, AYY reviewed that each association that receives the grant meets the conditions for the first list of AYY’s association register. Associations were punished for missing or unexplained late attachments by decreasing the amount of the grant.

Inquiries and questions may be addressed to the organisation sector at jarjestoasiat@ayy.fi