Welcome to Otaniemi: Reading material for the summer!

A calculator counting days to the removal of business bachelor students shows that there are only 90 AaltoParty2012_smallerdays left to the removal and the beginning of a new academic year.

Summer and summer holidays are ongoing – do you need something to read?! Don’t worry! AYY has compiled reading material for the summer. By reading this material, anyone can be an expert in Otaniemi matters at the beginning of the autumn. We recommend that you deepen your knowledge by participating in community events and activities throughout the academic year and your studies.

Basic level

By getting to know Otaniemi-Finnish dictionary, you can handle daily situations in Otaniemi and understand what people are talking about.

Comprehensive basic level

Are you familiar with the glossary? Deepen your knowledge by learning overalls presentations. If you want to go even deeper, also read what kind of strings  you can earn to decorate your overalls with.

Average level

You have learned the glossary by heart and can recognise students based on their overall colours. Next, it is time to get to know buildings, nature and stories in Otaniemi. Where is the most visible ”fifth facade”? Which building is located at the highest spot in Otaniemi? An excellent tool for this is Kävellen kampuksella map. The map is available in English here.

Hifi level

Now you can handle the glossary, overalls and the environment, but still something is missing? Get prepared for the academic parties of the coming year by reading Tavoistaan teekkari tunnetaan custom guide (in Finnish).

Hifi level+

You can polish your Otaniemi awareness by reading the memoirs of Ota-Ossi, or more familiarly, Ossin Lässyt. Ossi Törrönen was a long-term leader of Teekkari Village and he has written stories about Teekkari Village over the years. Read Ossin Lässyt (in Finnish) here.

Congatulations! You are now familiar with Otaniemi and you don’t have to worry about the autumn. Or if you don’t have the time to read this package, don’t worry, you will certainly have all necessary information in the autumn. Have a great and sunny summer!

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