Effect of Friday demonstration on Aalto university

The protest demonstration planned for Friday 18 September will not interrupt university teaching. At this time there is no information about the cancellation of any courses or educational events such as lectures or exercise groups. If a Friday course is cancelled, an announcement will be made on the My Courses pages for the class or as otherwise arranged in class.

Examinations, evaluations, thesis presentations etc. are also expected to be held as normal. Students are advised particularly to come to graduation-related evaluations and presentations so that graduations are not delayed.

Restaurant services on Friday 18th September

Part of campus restaurants is closed due to demonstration on Friday 18th September.
At Otaniemi campus closed are Artturi (Kemia), Electra, Kone and Elissa cafeteria. At Töölö campus Chydenia and Proffa are closed.
Other campus restaurants are open. However there might be shorter opening hours on Firday. Also variety of lunch dishes may be narrower.

Campus restaurants
– inside https://inside.aalto.fi/display/AboutAalto/Campus+restaurants
– into https://into.aalto.fi/display/enaalto/Campus+restaurants

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