Esa-Pekka Mattila is Aalto Athlete 2015

Aalto University Student Union (AYY) has chosen wheelchair racer Esa-Pekka Mattila as the Aalto Athlete 2015. Mattila, who has excelled in sprint distances of 100 m and 200 m, has represented Finland in Summer Paralympics of 2012 in London, as well as in a number of European and World championships for junior or adult athletes. His best ranking is from European Championships 2012, when he ranked fourth on 100m. At the moment Mattila is preparing for the World Championships in Qatar in October. In addition to his athletic achievements Mattila has carried out his studies at the Aalto University School of Economics and successfully participated in community activities. He is known as an open and humorous person.

Aalto University’s Vice Dean Eero Eloranta and AYY’s board member Rosa Nylén awarded Mattila Sunday 09.20.2015 right before Aalto Kymppi’s start in Otaniemi.

Aalto Athlete has been selected from 2010 onwards. The award requires that the student has been successful athlete either on national or international level, brought their studies successfully forward and are a fair and honest member of the community. The Aalto Athlete is chosen by AYY’s board based on the proposals they’ve received.

The Aalto Athletes throughout ages:

  • 2014: Bowler Juhani Tonteri
  • 2013: Team gymnast Marianne Vikkula
  • 2012: Taekwondoka Joonas Heikkinen
  • 2011: Synchronized skater Venla Kuuluvainen
  • 2010: Swimmer Katja Lehtonen

For more information: AYY’s board member Rosa Nylén, firstname.lastname(a)


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