307 candidates in AYY’s fourth Representative Council elections

Aalto University Student Union
Release 2 Oct 2015
For immediate release


This year, 307 candidates stood for election in the Representative Council elections of Aalto University Student Union. The candidates form 13 electoral coalitions and one person stands for election as an independent candidate. 11 electoral coalitions are part of three electoral alliances. Two electoral coalitions are not part of any electoral alliances. All electoral coalitions in the elections are politically independent.

The largest single alliance in the elections is Jämerä Ratas, which gathers together a total of 144 candidates from six different electoral coalitions. The largest single electoral coalition is Kylterirengas Töölö, which has 42 persons in its candidate list. New electoral coalitions are Vihreämpi Aalto with 37 candidates and Järki with 11 candidates.

Many of the school-specific electoral coalitions from the previous years have changed their names. This year, the list includes the electroal coalition CHEM, SCIsma and Kylterirengas Töölö, among others.

In AYY’s third elections in November 2013, there were 323 candidates. Candidates stood for election in 16 electoral coalitions, which formed 4 electoral alliances.

AYY’s fourth Representative Council elections will be held on 26 Oct–4 Nov 2015. In the elections, the Representative Council of 45 members will be elected for the next two-year term. Aalto University Student Union AYY is a service and interest organisation for approximately 15,000 Aalto University students. AYY promotes the interests of its members in education and social policy issues, in particular. The Representative Council is AYY’s highest decision-making body,which elects the Student Union Board and decides on the budget, among other things.

The candidate list can be found at ayy.fi/vaalit/ehdokkaat. The Central Election Committee provides numbers for the candidates at its meeting on Monday, 5 Oct 2015.

Further information:
Chairperson of the Central Election Committee Hamilkar Bergroth, hamilkar.bergroth@ayy.fi
Secretary of the Central Election Committee Johanna Pietiläinen, johanna.pietilainen@ayy.fi, 050 5209 434


The entire combinations of the candidate lists are available at:

Candidates in the order of electoral alliances and coalitions: /vaalit/files/2015/10/Ehdokaslistaus_nettiin-ilman-numeroita.pdf
Number of candidates in each alliance and coalition 2015

Electoral alliance: Jämerä Ratas 144 (in 2013: 186)
Konergia 33 (in 2013: 41)
Luova 19 (in 2013: 18)
Polytekarna 12 (in 2013: 12)
SCIsma 36 (NEW)
Voltti 24 (in 2013: 27)

Electoral alliance: Aalto for All 50 (NEW)

Aalto Party 13 (in 2013: 26)
Vihreämpi Aalto 37 (NEW)

Electoral alliance: Kylterirengas 94 (NEW)
Force Majeure 11 (in 2013: 7)
Kylterirengas Otaniemi 41 (NEW)
Kylterirengas Töölö 42 (NEW)


Electoral coalitions outside electoral alliances:

Järki 11 (NEW)
ProArte 7 (In 2013: 11)

In addition, there is one independent candidate who does not belong to any electoral coalition (in 2013: 1).


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