22,04 % of eligible voters cast their vote in advance in AYY’s elections

Aalto University Student Union AYY
Release, 3 Nov 2015
For immediate release

The advance voting of AYY’s Representative Council elections ended yesterday, Monday, 2nd Nov at 11.59pm. 3135 voters cast their vote in advance, which is 22,04 % of the eligible voters. In year 2013 2,819 voters cast their vote in advance, which was 19.1% of the eligible voters.

You can still vote in the Representative Council elections between Tuesday, 3 Nov, 00:01am – Wednesday, 4 Nov, 4pm.

Entitled to vote are all AYY’s members who have paid the Student Union’s membership fee by Friday, 16 Oct 2015. Voting takes place through the electronic voting system. The electoral system can be found at: http://vaalit.ayy.fi

Authentication in the electronic electoral system is done using Aalto University’s username and password. If your Aalto user name does not work for some reason, please contact the University’s IT Service Desk by email at servicedesk@aalto.fi or by phone +358 50 513 2000.

Preliminary election results will be published on Wednesday evening on 4 Nov. You can wait for the results in AYY’s and KY’s election night party at Saha in Otaniemi (Konemiehentie 4) from 5pm onwards.


Further information:

Secretary of the Central Election Committee Johanna Pietiläinen, johanna.pietilainen@ayy.fi or 050 5209 434

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