AYY’s fourth Representative Council elections were conducted electronically – turnout 30.16%

Aalto University Student Union
4 Nov 2015

For immediate release

Voting in the fourth Representative Council elections of Aalto University Student Union (AYY) ended on Wednesday, 4 Nov. The turnout was 30.16%, which is an increase of 2.86 percentage points from 2013. A total of 4,293 eligible voters used their right to vote. The entire elections were conducted electronically for the second time.

Four electoral coalitions received six (6) seats for themselves in the Representative Council. These coalitions include Vihreämpi Aalto, SCIsma, Kylterirengas Otaniemi and Kylterirengas Töölö. With 64 votes, the title of the vote-puller is shared by Sameli Sivonen from Vihreämpi Aalto and Joona Kosloff from Kylterirengas Otaniemi. It looks like international students from many electoral coalitions will have seats in the Representative Council.

This year, 307 candidates were nominated in AYY’s elections. Candidates formed 13 electoral coalitions and one person stood for election as an independent candidate. There were three electoral alliances in the elections, which included a total of 11 electoral coalitions. Two electoral coalitions were not part of the electoral alliances. All electoral coalitions were independent from political parties.

The Representative Council of 45 members is the highest decision-making body in the Student Union. The new Representative Council will meet for the first time in November, when it elects the chairperson for itself and appoints the former of the next year’s Board, among other things.

Preliminary election results can be found at: /vaalit/tulokset/. The Central Election Committee will confirm the results at its meeting on Monday, 9 Nov 2015.

Further information:

Secretary of the Central Election Committee Johanna Pietiläinen, johanna.pietilainen@ayy.fi, 050 520 9434
Chairperson of the Central Election Committee Hamilkar Bergroth, hamilkar.bergroth@ayy.fi

According to preliminary election results, the distribution of seats in the Representative Council is as follows (change from 2013)


Electoral alliance: Jämerä Ratas 22 (Change from 2013: -6 seats)

Konergia 4 (-2)
Luova 4 (-1)
Polytekarna 2 (-1)
SCIsma 6 (NEW)
Voltti 3 (-)

Electoral alliance: Aalto for All 7 (NEW)

Aalto Party 1 (-2)
Vihreämpi Aalto 6 (NEW)

Electoral alliance: Kylterirengas 14 (NEW)

Force Majeure 2 (+1)
Kylterirengas Otaniemi 6 (NEW)
Kylterirengas Töölö 6 (NEW)

Electoral coalitions outside electoral alliances:

ProArte 2 (-3)

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