AYY’s Heikki Koponen appointed as SYL’s President for the year of 2016.

21 Nov 2015
For immediate release

Aalto University Student Union AYY’s Heikki Koponen has been elected as President of the National Union of University Students in Finland for the year of 2016.

Heikki Koponen is a 24-year-old strategic management student. This year, he has acted as Vice Chair of AYY Board and has been responsible for the management of AYY’s extensive advocacy sector. Previously, he has acted as Vice Chair of AYY’s Representative Council and Chair of the Board of the Guild of Industrial Engineering and Management Prodeko.

”My current feelings are a mixture of happiness and confusion. With the new Board, we will build better higher education with the attitude and energy that is only found in the student movement,” says Heikki Koponen right after his election.

Other six members in SYL Board in 2016 include Alviina Alametsä (HYY), Ella Keski-Panula (HYY), Tuomas Kuoppala (Tamy), Annu Komulainen (JYY), Mia Lehto (LTKY) and Siiri Nousiainen (OYY).

The two-day general assembly of SYL was held in Korpilampi, Espoo, on Friday and Saturday on 20–21 November. SYL represents the Finnish university students at the national level and takes a stand on educational, social and international issues.

Further information:

Secretary General Janne Koskenniemi, 050 520 9415, janne.koskenniemi@ayy.fi
Heikki Koponen, 050 517 2674, heikki.koponen@ayy.fi

Read SYL’s release in English here.

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